Blackbuck numbers rise by 387 in Ganjam

Blackbuck numbers rise by 387 in Ganjam 

Blackbuck numbers rise by 387 in Ganjam

  • Berhampur: The number of blackbucks, an endangered deer species found only in Ganjam district in the state, has risen by 387 from the last count in 2018.
  • According to the latest census carried out in all three forest divisions of Ganjam on January 29, the number of blackbucks, locally called 'Krushna Sara maruga', was counted as 7,745 compared to 7,358 in 2018. The census results were published on Friday. The total population includes 4,753 female, 1,472 male and 1,518 children. The blackbuck is a Schedule-1ani- mal under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, and has ab- solute protection from being hunted or traded.
  • While Ghumaysa South division had the most black- bucks (4,636), the Ghumaysa North division had the fewest (350). Similarly, 2,757 black- bucks were counted in the Berhampur Forest division.
  • Blackbucks, which had been sighted in the Baulk- hand-Konark wildlife sanctuary in Puri district until 2012- 13, have vanished from the area.
  • "Improvement of habitat, protection given by local people and forest staff are some of the reasons for the increase in blackbuck population," said Dillip Kumar Rout, divisional forest officer, Ghumaysa South.
  • "Over the years, people in the district have faithfully protected the mammal. People believe that seeing a blackbuck in a paddy field is a good harbinger," said Amulya Upadhyaya, president of the Blackbuck Protection Committee (Ganjam). He said villagers did not harm blackbucks, even if they destroyed their crops.

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