Finding it tough to exercise in the winters? Ways to boost your workout motivation and endurance

Finding it tough to exercise in the winters? Ways to boost your workout motivation and endurance 

Finding it tough to exercise in the winters? Ways to boost your workout motivation and endurance

  • The winter season is setting in, and it's officially the time when it becomes difficult to get up in the mornings and the winter chill could make it harder for you to go for that morning jog or workout session. While different seasons bring with them different benefits, finding the inspiration to get out of the bed and workout dur Ing the winters can be challenging.
  • However, as difficult as that can be, exercising during the winters can help burn more calories than the summertime! Experts also say that with the winter temperatures endurance also increases, which can make workouts all the more effective. Therefore, while workouts are a priority, be it summer or winter, if you are on the mission to lose weight and do not want to add extra kilos this winter here are some ways shared by yoga expert Grand Master Akshar to make your fit ness zest stronger during the winter season.
  • Walking Running/ Jogging Start your exercise routine with a brisk walk or maybe you could take a jog or run around your neighborhood block. These are cardiovascular activities that pump up your heart rate and get you ready both mentally and physically for your upcoming workout session.
  • Stretching After your jog or run make sure that you spend a few minutes on stretching Experts recommend that you stretch before and after your workout as this ready your muscles keep them safe from injury and also effectively improves your chance of getting leaner and more toned.

  • Surya Namaskar: In yoga, Surya Namaskar also known as the sun salutation is considered to be a complete body workout. The Surya Namaskar is comprised of eight different postures that are se quenched in a 12-step flow. It starts from the right side and needs to be completed on both sides for a complete cycle. If you are a beginner you can start with 3-5 cycles and gradually increase it to 11, 21 and so on. Practicing this sequence early in the morning will boost vitamin D in your body d and bring many physical as well as mental health benefits.
  • Energy breathing: Pranayama is a breathing exercise that can be performed to gain many health benefits for both mind and body. During winter techniques such as Kapalbhati Pranayama and Khand Pranayama are suggested for you.
  • Meditation techniques: There are many meditation techniques that you can practice regularly such as Sthiti Dhyan, Swaas Dhyan, Aarambh Dhyan etc. Here is a simple and powerful meditation technique to build positivity.

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