I love the fact that distinct roles are coming my way now: Divya

I love the fact that distinct roles are coming my way now: Divya.


She's an actress with an infectious smile and is known for her Ver a wide variety of roles. And the Divya Dutta, who was in Kolkata recently had absolutely no hang-ups about relishing traditional delicacies we gifted her when we met her for a chat. Excerpts want to work with them. In fact, I told Paramarath that I loved his film Sho Nar Pahar Such a beautiful film, such a simple story told in a brilliant way.

How did you celebrate Lohre?

  • At home with my family. We lighted the holy fire, pray, sing and dance and spend time with family. And of course, I wore beautiful ethnic clothes (laughs)!
  • Which of your films are you looking for- ward to this year? I have a film by Tahira Kashyap Khurram an, one each by Dibakar Banerjee and Anubhav Sin- ha, an action drab- ma with Anurag Kashya pan two OTT shows and an inter- national project. I'm looking forward to all of these. What I am loving. even more are the distinct roles com-Ing my way It's nice to look into the mirror and say, 'Hey, that's a different Divya' (laughs).

OTT shows or films-what do you enjoy doing more?

  • See, for an actor, the medium really doesn't matter! Today I'm doing more films than OTT shows, while most of my counterparts are doing web se- rise. So, in a way, web series are easier to work in as you are just playing a character. You just need to give more dates, as it needs more time- to finish.

We often see you without makeup in the reels you post on social media...

  • feel it's lovely to be yourself. I feel people love me for who I am and my smile. The smile is the best makeup I have. Sometimes it's nice to look glamor onus but there are times when you want to reach out to your fans the way you are!

How do you plan your vacations?

  • I can't plan vacations; I turn work into vacations. I stay on for a few extra days wherever I'm shooting and enjoy the city. I just came back from Shimla. But I do take chitty from work to go out either with friends or family members.

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