Celebrity Astro numerologist Anupam V Kapil explains the impact of Saturn transit on your health and love

Celebrity Astro numerologist Anupam V Kapil explains the impact of Saturn transit on your health and love.


Saturn enters your eleventh house, promins inga happiness wealth and pro Gress in business But, till October, there will be physical and mental tiredness and unrest. Health: Watch kin's health in Max from Oc tuber to December, mental worries rise. Love: March July/October/December are very good for deriving Happi ness from spouse. February April July August Septem: beer is conducive for love a fairs Partner's health may de tetraborate in January, Febra Ary 10-20, May 23 to June 3. and October 1-9. Short pas sonata encounters in March June/July are seen.


Obstacles in pro- cession, loss of image, differ- emcees with spouse and loss of wealth are seen. Despite all these, a new job will be found. Till mid-April success, wealth along with new friendships with influential pea plex are promised by Jupiter. Health: April to June shows rest- lessness/Diffie- culty in sleep and visits to doc tors. August 27 to September 2 and October/November is sensitive for your spouse. Love: Marriage is favorable till April 22. March/June/October are Favour able for affairs.


Saturn's transit for you brings jealous is, loss of wealth, enmity stagnation etc., though Rahu Favours till October, showing wealth. Jupiter will be favorable for career only after mid-May Health: Take utmost care in May and July May/June and December are sensitive for you and your family Love: May June/December show romantic affairs and flirtations. Happi- ness from partner is seen in July.


Avoid rash Deci- Sions. There will be dramatic changes in career Jupiter will be fa- pourable only till mid-April. Health: Guard your/ spouse's health between May 23 to June 3 and in February/July/ August/December Love: Trou blue from/to spouse are indicant ed. Affairs are likely in between June to August. Not a good year for marriage.


Troubles to partner, danger, journeys loss of Honor, setbacks in court cases, separation from beloved etic are seen. From mid-April, time is fa vibrable, don't expand your work till then. Health: Be Cau pious of kidney stones/diseases of the urinary tract. Watch your health in February/March/May Increase in cholesterol and weakness of liver is indicated. Love: July/August will see spoon- Tanious affairs


Success in litigant Tion, increase in wealth, happiness is seen. You will enjoy company of women and gain im- movable property. But Jupiter Favours only till mid-April Health: Health issues in April/ May can be serious for those surfacing chronic diseases. Sensitive months are March and September. Love: Not a good year for courtship. Existing affairs will have problems from February to April and in July/August. For marriage, February is good.


Reduction of wealth, loss in profession and cold relations with partner are indicated. Increase in enemies, disputes with relatives are possible till April. There shall be relief from mid-April Health: Guard your/spouse's health in March/May/Septem beer: Love: May/June is very tough on the marriage front, separations and litigations with spouse are likely for those in whose horoscopes the seventh house is also occupied by Mars/ Saturn/Jupiter. If your Saturn/ Mars/Rahu are in the seventh house, be careful in relation- ships and take care of spouse's health till October.


Saturn's transit in the fourth house is one of the most difficult and pain full positions called Kantak Shani. It known to bring multiple challenges', loss of Honor, relations, wealth, friends, separation from friends and wife, quarrels with all. You will develop dislike of profession due to slow growth/ transfers and humiliating car- constancies. But the situation will be more or less favorable from October. Health: May/ June/October are stressful, guard your liver in the second half of the year. Love: Febur- Ary/June are good for travel with lovers. Till April, affairs are smooth. Disturbances crop up in May/June leading to breakups. Not a conducive year for real- twinships/marriage plans.


Saturn will be very beneficial, making you influential happy prosperous and dimness frit new job, wealth and rise in profession is Een Putta men of desires and new opposed munities are seen. Till October there may be misunderstand Ings with family and loss of friends Jupiter affects domestic peace Health: Health shall be good. May/August/Novem Ber may see lily health. Health is sins for partner may be poses blew in March/August Love: Oc tuber/November are good for marriage. New affairs in July? December is seen.


The last patch of side set is a tough peri- od with lot of hard work and no rest. It shows 124 loss of beauty, comfort, hap pines and health. Till April, time is tough professionally Troubles from partner are possible. Settle property dis putts amicably Possibilities of changes in job are seen Health Not a great year for health, especially February 15 to May, August end to September, November. Lo Time till mid-April is good for marriage. Affairs for sin gales are possible in January/ February/June/July/ October.


Income rises till April is seen. Till October there will be gains through short terms Trav ells, siblings, common inactions and media matters. Health: Guard against fever, bel lye aches and association with wicked men till March. Weak pe riots are the second half of Feb rosary and September 15 to Octo- bar 15 Love: For affairs, January July November and Decamp- bar look fruitful. Misunderstand- ins with partner in July/August are indicated.


Commercially, an unproductive peri- od. Sickness with- in the family is seen. Keep tax doc Aments in order to avoid surprises. Relief after mid-April is seen, wealth prospects improve. Strong chances of discontent from work are anticipated- ed. Health: Eye issues crop up in February and April. February May, October, November brings weak health. Love: Affairs flour is in June/July

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