Gopal showing no sign of remorse

 Gopal showing no sign of remorse

Gopal showing no sign of remorse

  • Bhubaneswar: As the cri- me branch is looking for Ans- wars about the motive be- hind the murder of former health minister Naba Kisori Das, assai- lant Gopal Das has been showing no sense of re- morse or re- penance.
  • The CB, which has Laun- Ched marathon interrogate- Tion since it took over the probe, has not found a flicker of guilt or emotion in Gopal. He remains as cool as he was minutes before pointing the gun at Das. Eye-witnesses accounts had revealed that Gopal showed no aggress- Sion, change in behavior or nervousness while mana- Ging to go close to the mini- steer to shoot him. CB sources said during interrogation, he looked pretty cool and composed, walked confit- deftly as policemen took him to the court. After he was overpowered by police and Das supporters Follo- wing the shooting, Gopal surrendered by raising his hands, eyewitnesses said.
  • Psychiatrists said people with certain mental condo- toons don't show fear or app- recensions, guilt or sadness even if they commit heinous crimes. "Even person within- Ut mental retardation, can be equally cool if they are convinced about what they have done or are intelligent enough to camouflage their feelings," psychiatrists said.
  • Maintaining calmness and not exhibiting change in behaviors helped Gopal ma- oeuvres his way in the crowd and gain access to the minister's entourage. Had he rushed or shown agrees- scion and seriousness, he co- old have been prevented.

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