India again abstains from UNSC vote against Russia

India again abstains from UNSC vote against Russia 

India again abstains from UNSC vote against Russia

Says It Won't Secure Lasting Peace in Ukraine

  • New Delhi: Notwithstanding the pressure from American and European partners to re- consider its position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, India again abstained from voting on a "resolution for ce" in the UNGA which denounced Russia's actions in Ukraine and sought immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of the Russian forces from Ukraine.

  • The resolution, which was brought in the 193-member body to mark the first anniversary of the war, was adopted with 141 votes in Favour and 7 against. India, China and Pakistan were among the 32 countries that abstained.
  • Indian ambassador Ruchira Kamboj cited the resolution's limitations in securing the objective of lasting peace as the reason for India's decision to abstain, while also highlighting the ineffective- ness of the UN Security Council in addressing threats to global peace. The resolution was seen by Moscow as anti- Russia and intended to "encourage the West to continue its militaristic line" against Russia. India also abstained from voting on amendments so- ught by Russia's ally Belarus to the draft resolution.
  • This was the 6th time India had abstained from voting since March last year. In all, India has abstained on well over a dozen occasions from voting on Ukraine related developments across various UN bodies. Posing some "pertinent" questions, Kamboj also sought to know if the inter- national community was any- where near a possible solution acceptable to both sides and if any process that doesn't involve either of the two sides ever lead to a credible and meaningful solution.
  • While the non-binding. but politically significant, resolution was tom-tommed by the West as another success in efforts to isolate Russia, India's understanding was that it won't in any way help change said Kamboj. the situation on the ground.
  • Explaining India's vote further, Kamboj said while the overall objective of the re- solution seeking a compre hensive, just and lasting pea ce was understandable, re- ports from the ground portra yed a complex scenario, with the conflict intensifying on several fronts.
  • "Has the UN system, and particularly its principal organ, the UN Secretary Council, based on a 1945-world construct, not been rendered ineffective to address contemporary challenges to global peace and security" she asked, while underlining Indigent return to the path of india's commitment to multilateralism and the UN charter.
  • "We will always call for dialogue and diplomacy as the only viable way out of this situation. While we take note of the stated objective of today's Resolution, given its inherent limitations in reaching our desired goal of securing las- ting peace, we are constrai ned to abstain," she added.
  • Reiterating that UN Char- ter, territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states must be upheld without any excep- tion, Kamboj said the entire Global South had suffered unintended consequences of the conflict and it's critical that the voice of the develo- ping countries be heard and their concerns addressed.
  • "India's approach to the Ukraine conflict will continue to be people-centric. We are providing both humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and economic support to some of our Neighbours in the Global South under economic distress, even as they stare at the escalating costs of food, of fuel, and of fertilizers-which has been a consequential fallout of the ongoing conflict, "said Kamboj.
  • Expressing concern over reports of attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure as deeply worrying, India said international principles and jurisprudence vest responsibility on parties to the conflict to ensure that civilians are not targeted in situations of armed conflicts.
  • "We have consistently advocated that no solution can ever be arrived at the cost of human lives. In this context, our PM's statement that this cannot be an era of war bears reiteration. Escalation of hostilities and violence is in no one's interest, instead an urlogue and diplomacy is the way forward," she said.

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